Question and Answer
Bandwidth is the amount of data that is accessed while viewing a website. Every time a user views a website, data is transferred, and bandwidth will be consumed. Multimedia component like images, audio files and video files are higher in bandwidth than text. If you have a website that has lots of video or streaming audio, you will need higher bandwidth requirement than text-based website. Some web hosting provider offer unlimited bandwidth, and some place a cap on it.
Disk space refers to the total space available for a user to store files on at any time. Files may be any type – HTML, images, videos – and at any single given time, the total file size may not exceed the disk space. How much disk space you need is dependent on what type of media and interactions you’ll be hosting through your site. Your email account’s storage is also counted in disk space, so if you have large files that will sit in the account, that will boost your disk space needs. Remember that although you might not need much space now, you want wiggle room to expand and grow in the future, without switching hosts.
SSL Certificates are fundamental to internet security. They are used to establish an encrypted connection and allow data to be transmitted securely between a browser or user’s computer and a server or website.
Back up your website regularly by either copying it out to some where or with our free nightly backup service. However, we strongly recommend our client to use UpdraftPlus. To know more about UpdraftPlus, you may go to this page top menu bar, mouse over services and select UpdraftPlus to further understand how it really works,
Without additional security features in place, your website probably is not secured or protected from hackers. Your web hosting package cPanel comes with basic protection like Imunify360 that could provide proactive defense against hackers attack.
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