What Can You Do In Cpanel?

cPanel is actually a control panel application installed on server typically web hosting server and it runs on Linux distribution. To make it simple, it is the backend of your web hosting server and is not directly accessed by the end user. Web administrator access cPanel of their web hosting server for storing and manipulating data. How your website behave has a strong relations with what is being done at cPanel.

What can you actually do in cPanel? The answer for that is A lot!

  1. Upload files to your server
  2. Install CMS (e.g WordPress, Drupal and Joomla)
  3. Install add-on application on your server
  4. Setup emails
  5. Create database
  6. Manage security settings
  7. Backup your website
  8. Check bandwidth and other usage status
  9. Check your server disk space usage
  10. Creating sub-domains
  11. Managing domain names
  12. Review website access logs
  13. Any many more…